Summer 2020 in the Botanical Garden
Plantentuin Gent
The Ghent University Botanical Garden officially reopens to visitors on Monday 6 July. Until then, the Garden will remain closed, allowing Ghent University to fully focus on organising the first examination period for its 45,000 students, e.g. at Campus Ledeganck. Visitors can only access the Botanical Garden provided they make an online reservation at
The Botanical Garden will be opened from Monday through Friday and will remain closed on public holidays and weekends. As is the case for other Ghent museums, only a limited number of visitors will be allowed on the premises, and each visitor is given a time slot of 1.5 hours. All necessary security measures will also be taken.
Have you been longing for a visit to this green scientific gem in the heart of the city over the past few months? The wait is nearly over, and you will soon get the opportunity to enjoy the lush Botanical Garden. Please keep an eye on this website. Depending on government- or university-directed measures, the current situation is prone to change.

When can you visit the Botanical Garden?
Provided a prior reservation was made, the Botanical Garden can be visited on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, starting from Monday 6 July. Three time slots are available:
10am ttill 11.30 am
1 pm till 2.30 pm
3 pm till 4.30 pm
Both the Botanical Garden and the Gum will be closed on Tuesday 21 July and on weekends.
How can you make a reservation?
Select a time slot. Each time slot allows a visit of 1.5 hours. Arrive at the starting time of your time slot and leave the Botanical Garden before your time slot ends.
TAKE NOTE: The Botanical Garden’s entrance gate will be closed. We ask all visitors to enter through the side entrance located in the Ledeganckstraat and to immediately check in at the front desk of the GUM (Ghent University Museum). Please respect the starting time of your chosen time slot.
You will be welcomed on-site in order for your visit to proceed as comfortably and safely as possible. We ask all visitors to strictly observe the requested measures.
We recommend wearing a face mask inside the greenhouses.
How do you you plan a day trip?

You could also combine your visit with a visit to another Ghent museum. The Botanical Garden is situated near both the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) and the Museum of Contemporary Art (SMAK). For more information, go to
The GUM is located right next to the Citadel Park
How can you visit the Botanical Garden safely?
The Botanical Garden takes every necessary precaution in order for visits to proceed safely.
We provide you with a list below:
Time slots and a fixed itinerary
Every visitor (and everyone in their company) is required to register for a time slot
A maximum of 25 people are allowed per time slot (unless the government-directed measures are adjusted in the meantime)
Every visitor must follow an itinerary fixed by us, to prevent crossing paths with other visitors inside the greenhouses
Regular disinfecting and cleaning is scheduled at fixed times
Sufficient hand sanitizing stations on the premises
Wearing a face mask inside the greenhouses is encouragedolen.
We adhere to all government-directed measures and will therefore adjust regulations according to government updates. The above-mentioned information is valid until adjustments are announced. Please consult this information prior to your visit.
De Schatten van Vlieg
Van maandag 6 juli tot en met vrijdag 28 augustus tijdens de openingsuren van de Plantentuin, na inschrijving op een tijdslot.
Deze speurtocht is gemaakt door de Vrienden van de Plantentuin.