Van Eyck in Depth
GUM Gallery
Friction and harmony through the eyes of architects and artists
03.10.2020 > 29.06.2021
GALLERY (part of the GUM)
free entrance with your museum ticket
Visit included in museum ticket
Pop-up Expo: from 3.10.2020 till 30.06.2021
The festive opening of our brand-new museum was coupled with the pop-up exhibition 'Van Eyck in Depth. Friction and harmony through the eyes of architects and artists' . This exhibit is completely dedicated to Flemish Master Jan Van Eyck. Van Eyck might have been a brilliant painter, he unfortunately became known as ‘the painter who was not familiar with the rules of perspective’, contrary to his Italian counterparts… But was that really the case?
In this pop-up exhibition in the context of ‘OMG! Van Eyck was here’, the year in which we celebrate Jan Van Eyck, the GUM takes the architect’s viewpoint in order to subject Van Eyck’s painting to scientific analysis. Was Van Eyck, as is generally believed, indeed not familiar with the rules of perspective? Why then does his work exude this sense of harmony? Architect Patrick Seurinck gets to work with these research questions, with the help of a group of UGent students of architecture. In the pop-up, their scientific analysis is confronted with the artistic analysis carried out by four contemporary artists. Similar to Van Eyck, they set out to look for their own perspective.
Will their quests lead to harmony? Or, rather, friction?
Welcome to Jan Van Eyck’s studio.
This pop-up expo takes place in the Gallery, the exhibition space for temporary exhibitions in the GUM.

Welcome to Jan Van Eyck’s studio.
Stijn Cole
Katelijne De Corte
Lieven Lefere
Paul Robbrecht (architect)
Dr. Patrick Seurinck
Dr. Marjan Doom
Prof. dr. ir.-arch. Dirk De Meyer and students from the Engineering and Architecture programme.
Jonas Lescrauwaet

Illustration & photos:
Jan van Eyck - Madonna met kanunnik Van der Paele - geometrische schema's in compositie en perspectief © arch. Patrick Seurinck - Musea Brugge, www.lukasweb.be – Art in Flanders, foto Hugo Maertens
Photos: Martin Corlazzoli
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