Wunderkammer of TRUTH
Does absolute certainty exist? And if so, can we even find it? What is science's role in this? Immerse yourself in the Wunderkammer of TRUTH and find out all about the truth... Or not?
In this exhibition, you will explore what we are all searching for: the 'truth'. But what are we truly seeking? Does absolute certainty exist? What role do science and art play in this search? And, does a museum always tell the truth?
28.03.2024 - 21.04.2025
Part of your museum visit
Searching for truth begins with doubt
Sometimes we need to rely on others. But on whom, and on whom not? What feels real, and what feels fake? If films, books, and theatre are not real, why do they sometimes move us so deeply? Is what we know about the past the (only) truth? And, does a museum always tell the truth?
In this exhibition, GUM & the Botanical Garden once again bring art and science into dialogue. As a visitor, you can actively participate in fascinating scientific projects. The exhibition extends into the rest of the museum and the Botanical Garden. Immerse yourself in the Wonder Room of TRUTH and discover everything about the truth... or not?
During Wunderkammer of TRUTH, we also offer workshops, talks, book screenings, tours, a festival weekend, and more. Our spring program will be online soon. Follow us on our social media to stay updated!

Once again, the GUM & Botanical Garden are bringing together big names and young talent from the art world with exceptional research from home and abroad and intriguing science projects in which you can participate live.
Curator Marjan Doom & exhibition maker Lyvia Diser selected in collaboration with Anne Wetsi Mpoma research projects by Myrto Pantazi (UvA), Edward De Vooght (Arteveldehogeschool), Anna Andreeva, Werner Demeyer, Durk Talsma, Philippe De Maeyer, Lore Colaert and Bob Rubens (UGent), Koenraad Verstraete (Radiology UZ Gent), Luanda Casella (KASK/NTGent), Laura Wante and Lien Goossens (University Centre Child & Adolescent UGent), Sylvia Wenmackers (KULeuven), Tine Destrooper (Human Rights Centre UGent), Sofie Verclyte (KASK, UGent), Luc Bourguignon (NICC), Ann De Koker (Police Ghent), Nele Wynants (UA) and artworks by Hélène Akouavi Amouzou, Will Cotton, Charles Degeyter, Nick Ervinck, Gwladys Gambie, Chidiebere Ibe, Gideon Kiefer, Agnès Lalau, Laura Nsengiyumva, Sarah Vanagt, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Babette Van Rafelghem, Katrien Vermeire, Odette Washini Messager, Kehinde Wiley.
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