GUM is closed on Wednesdays.
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Opening hours GUM & Bontanical Garden

Take a look before you come
Below you can find all our opening hours and closing days.
  • Mo - Tu - Th - Fr: 9.30 am till 5.30 pm

  • We: closed*

  • Weekends - Holidays - School holidays: 10am till 18pm

👉 Every first Thursday of the month, GUM & Botanical Garden are open until 10 pm during Thursday Late of the Ghent Museums. 

The greenhouses of the Botanical Garden close daily at 4:30 PM.

The GUM is closed on Wednesdays and on December 24, 25 and 31 and January 1.

* The Botanical Garden is open on Wednesday. Even if public holidays or school holidays fall on a Wednesday, the GUM is closed.

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