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161 results


Throughout the day, we are forced to deal with numerous new impressions and experiences. In order to get to grips with the chaos that characterises the world ar...
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“Firespitter” helm mask

The West African Senufo people divides the world into two main entities: nature and culture. If either one of those gains the upper hand, chaos will ensue.
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Obstetrical forceps

Jan Palfijn (1650-1730) was a famous surgeon and obstetrician. His name is inextricably linked to the forceps he invented.
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Glé head

The glé head was a sacred object. Blood, thunderstones, poison and other ‘magical’ ingredients had to be rubbed all over the head in order to activate it.
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The god K’awiil

This pot was a funerary offering. It was offered in the grave as a sign of veneration of the ancestors.
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Humans are an inquisitive bunch. They want to understand why the world is the way it is. Science offers us a method to obtain objective and reliable knowledge,...
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Greek statue of a woman

Art historians make use of these kinds of distinguishing external characteristics when ordering sculptures.
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Measuring cylinder

Bakelite owed its enormous success to a combination of properties: it is chemically inert, an electrical insulator and heat resistant (up to more than 400°C).
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Ifá divination bowl

Ifá refers to the mythical Orisha Ifa, the god of wisdom and intellectual development, who would predict the future.
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'Ball and stick’ model of benzene

The German chemist Friedrich August Kekulé (1829-1896) owes his fame to the colourless liquid benzene.
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