GUM is closed on Wednesdays.
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Vacancies & internships

Would you like to join us?
The GUM has a multidisciplinary team of enthusiastic employees. Although they each have their own area of expertise, we don't think in boxes. We cooperate closely with each other, other colleagues within Ghent University and external partners. Would you like to join the team as an employee, intern, volunteer or guide? If so, check out the opportunities below. Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media channels for future vacancies or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Our team of employees is currently complete. There are no new vacancies.

Check this page and our social networks regularly or sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page. You will be immediately informed of new vacancies.


Did you know that almost 100 voluntary employees are active within the GUM and the Botanical Garden? Volunteers are crucial for our operation. They make a very big difference. If you yourself are interested in working as a volunteer, then we would like to hear what we can do for each other. For example, we are often looking for reinforcements for our team of gardeners or team of hosts. But there are also sometimes opportunities outside. Be sure to keep an eye on our social media or subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page. Do you have questions? Then mail to our volunteer coordinator (

Working students

The GUM has an enthusiastic team of working students. They are recruited through Ghent University’s Job Service.

Would you also like to be a working student at the GUM in the future? If so, send your CV and a covering letter to

And be sure to keep an eye on our social media channels or subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page.


The GUM and Botanical Garden have a passionate team of guides. They are supervised by the GUM team (educational activities, group bookings, reception, etc.).

We are not currently looking for any more guides, but if you keep an eye on this page and our social media, you'll hear right away when we do!


The GUM offers great internships for students from a wide variety of degree programmes (from public history to communication management and from event management to cultural management). Interested? Great!

Send your CV and a covering letter to We will see what opportunities are available for you.

The GUM always provides personal supervision by an internship mentor and sufficient consultation with the internship supervisors within the degree programme. Interns from outside Ghent University are also very welcome.

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